Beth Paulo

Beth Paulo / 2024 Welcome to All Bingo!

Help support a wonderful ministry by helping me fill my BINGO! card! Your donation to the Living Water Ministries Scholarship Fund will help make camp accessible for all for years to come!
  • $1,058


  • $500


  • 16


Recent Transactions

  • Anonymous

    $40.00 / 31 days ago

  • Anne McConnell

    $51.75 / 41 days ago

  • Susan Mesclier

    $103.50 / 42 days ago

    I pray for all those that participate in this camp, the kids, parents, employees and pastors, that they may be blessed with a rich experience that builds up their faith, strengthens their relationships with fellow Christians and creates a sense of confidence that all things are possible through Jesus.

  • MaryAnn Mesclier

    $103.50 / 42 days ago

  • Elizabeth Huyge

    $20.70 / 48 days ago

  • Kimberly Birmingham

    $250.00 / 49 days ago

  • Lenore Barshaw

    $103.50 / 49 days ago

    Love this ministry and Beth and Nicole! Keep spreading the Faith! Love, The Barshaws

  • Sofia Paulo

    $16.56 / 49 days ago

  • Laurie Helzer

    $103.50 / 49 days ago

    You rock!

  • Nancy Harris

    $30.00 / 49 days ago

    BINGO BETH! Luv your 4 paw buds Scamper & Chance

  • Anonymous

    $51.75 / 49 days ago

    Continue spreading the word and love of Jesus! God Bless you! Love you, Jimmy and Shannon

  • Anna Brede

    $11.00 / 49 days ago

    Go Aunt Beth! You are so awesome! Love you <3

  • Elliott Paulo

    $13.00 / 49 days ago

  • Hayla Joneson

    $77.63 / 49 days ago

  • Anonymous

    $32.09 / 49 days ago

    Go Bethie Go! ♥️

  • Doug Paulo

    $24.84 / 49 days ago

  • Doug Paulo

    $25.00 / 49 days ago

About Beth Paulo

I have been a supporter of Living Water Ministries for years! I care about the work they are doing and believe that a week at camp is a gift for all who attend! Thank you for helping me fill my BINGO! card! Your gift will be doubled through Living Water Ministries Welcome to All 1:1 Matching Gift Challenge. Your gift will bring joy to an LWM Camper! Your gift is VERY appreciated!