Elizabeth Friedman

Elizabeth Friedman / 2024 LWM-Run the Race

I know what a huge impact camp had on my own life, and what an important space it is for the kids I know who go there now. It's essential for kids to be in a space where they can encounter good theology, hear over and over again about the God who created them and loves them, and be out in nature with other kids. I'm so glad to be able to continue to participate in this effort to keep camp accessible for everyone!
  • $3,810


  • $2,000


  • 23


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About Elizabeth Friedman

I'm the pastor at Lord of Light Lutheran Church and Campus Ministry, a student-led, intergenerational congregation serving the University of Michigan and Ann Arbor. I have benefited from campus ministry and camping ministry, as an alum of both Stony Lake (as a camper) and Michi-Lu-Ca (as a counselor). I am so glad to get to participate in Run the Race again to make sure camp can be accessible for everyone.

Run the Race is an audacious event that brings together individuals passionate about the mission of Living Water Ministries. Some of these individuals engage in a 200-mile relay race between Traverse City, MI and Muskegon, MI, while other individuals equally participate in alternative ways. We all, however, are raising money to make a difference in the lives of young people and I really hope you might assist me in this effort with a gift. Your gift creates financial accessibility for camp families, welcoming community for campers and the ability for Living Water Ministries to continue to offer life-changing, innovative programming for years to come! Your gift will really make a difference and I'm grateful for your generosity!