Sarah Stasilowicz

Sarah Stasilowicz / 2024 LWM-Run the Race

Camp changes lives - including mine!
  • $2,319


  • $2,000


  • 14


Recent Transactions

About Sarah Stasilowicz

Run the Race is an audacious event that brings together individuals passionate about the mission of Living Water Ministries. Some of these individuals engage in a 200-mile relay race between Traverse City, MI and Muskegon, MI, while other individuals equally participate in alternative ways. We all, however, are raising money to make a difference in the lives of young people and I really hope you might assist me in this effort with a gift. I've been a camper, summer staffer and adult leader at camp and I know first hand the difference a camp experience can make in a young person's life. Your gift creates financial accessibility for camp families, welcoming community for campers and the ability for Living Water Ministries to continue to offer life-changing, innovative programming for years to come! Your gift will really make a difference and I'm grateful for your generosity!